Final programme



14:30 - 16:10 Update in cancer-associated thrombosis (CAT)

Moderator: João Morais (Portugal)

Emerging technologies and thrombosis

Moderator: Gemma Vilahur (Spain)

Extracellular vesicles in CAT pathogenesis

Elena Campello (Italy)

What have we learned from GWAS studies on hemostatic factors (30′)

María Sabater (Spain) 

NOACs or LMWH for cancer-associated VTE

Benjamin Brenner (Israel)

Circulating miRNAs in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis and thrombosis (30′) 

Teresa Padró (Spain) 

Assessment of bleeding risk

Ricardo Pinto (Portugal)

OR-21 Defective fibrinolysis driving hemostatic challenges (15′)

Ana Durães (Portugal) 

Tailoring anticoagulation beyond six months

Carmen Font (Spain)

OR-22 Red blood cell exchange therapy in sickle cell anemia: Stroke prophylaxi (15′) 

Rita Bernardino (Portugal) 

16:10 - 16:30 Coffee break, Exhibition & E-posters
16:30 - 17:30 Dilemmas in antithrombotic treatment

Moderator: Antonio Moscardó (Spain)

Thrombosis, immunity and inflammation

Moderator: Teresa Padró (Spain)

Is there a place for P2Y12 pre-treatment in STEMI?

Eduardo Oliveira (Portugal)

DIC a thrombotic microangiopathy in sepsis and COVID-19 (30′) 

Vilma Grilo (Portugal) 

Future development on antithrombotic treatment: new options for improvement (30′)

Gemma Vilahur (Spain)

Antithrombotic treatment beyond the first year of ACS

Andrea Rubboli (Italy)

Thrombotic and bleeding risk in CAR-T cell therapy

Mertixell Nomdedéu (Spain)

17:30 - 17:45 Opening session. Welcome address

João Morais (Portugal)
Gemma Vilahur (Spain)
Alexandros Tselepis (Greece)

17:45 - 18:45 Laboratory measurements of platelet function and NOACs

Moderator: Luciana Gonçalves (Portugal)

What the clinicians should know about infections

Moderator: Francisco Araújo (Portugal)

Guided anti platelet therapy in patients undergoing PCI

Marco Cattaneo (Italy)

Soluble Biomarkers of thrombosis in covid-19

Antonella Tufano (Italy)

Laboratory testing in patients treated with NOACs

Eugénia Cruz (Portugal)

The interplay between inflammation and thrombosis in COVID-19

Melanie Ferreira (Portugal)

OR-25 Reducing variability in light transmission aggregometry: The role of internal quality control and laboratory outcomes (10′)

Mª José Marques (Portugal)

Sepsis, thrombosis and organ dysfunction

Vittorio Pengo (Italy)

OR-27 Effect of EPA, DOACs and their combination on platelet activation (10′)

Alexandros Tselepis (Greece)

Morning sessions



08:30 - 10:00 Moderated posters
“Clinical Research”

Moderator: Luis Jara Palomares (Spain)

Moderated Posters
“Basic and Translational Science”

Moderator: António Róbalo Nunes (Portugal)

10:00 - 11:00 Managing antithrombotic therapy in challenging scenarios

Moderator: Daniel Caldeira (Portugal)

New concepts, new options, new targets for treatment

Moderator: Vittorio Pengo (Italy)

Anticoagulation in mesenteric thrombosis

Luis Jara Palomares (Spain)

The power of antiplatelet agents to target the infarcted heart: Potential role beyond thrombosis (25′)

Gemma Vilahur (Spain)

Indications for endovascular management in VT

João Valença (Portugal)

Factor XI in arterial disease (25′)

Bianca Rocca (Italy)

Patients with cancer at risk of thrombocytopenia

Sérgio Barroso (Portugal)

OR-28 Platelets Dysfunction as a Potential Marker of Severity in Pulmonary Embolism Patients (10′)

Simão Carvalho (Portugal)

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break, Exhibition & E-posters 
11:30 -13:00 Thrombotic diseases in the paediatric age

Moderator: Teresa Padró (Spain)

The different faces of thrombosis

Moderator: Fernando Sá (Portugal)

Thrombophilia causing in utero thrombosis: What´s new? (25′) 

Teresa Sevivas (Portugal) 

Thrombosis in Hemoglobinopathies

Ana Freixo (Portugal)

Anticoagulant treatment of paediatric patients (25′) 

Maria João Palare (Portugal) 

Cancer-associated pulmonary embolism

Carme Font (Spain)

OR-23 “In utero” thromboembolic events and diagnosis of factor V Leiden (10′)

Liliana Fonseca (Portugal)

Antineoplastic treatment modalities: Effects on coagulation

Ismail Elalamy (France)

  Antiphospholipid syndrome

Vittorio Pengo (Italia)

13:00 - 14:00 Thrombosis now and tomorrow: Innovating for better future

Moderator: João Morais (Portugal)

Symposium & Lunch Sponsored by

Factor Xa inhibition - A journey of innovation
Cristina Gavina (Portugal)

Exploring the future of thrombosis with factor XI inhibition

Valeria Caso (Italy)

Afternoon sessions



14:00 - 14:30 Main Lecture

Moderator: Alexandros Tselepis (Greece)

Main lecture

Moderator: Gemma Vilahur (Spain)

Precision medicine in cardiology. Are we in the right track?

Lina Badimon (Spain)

Personalized medicine in thrombosis

Bianca Rocca (Italy)

14:30 - 16:00 Inherited thrombophilias

Moderator: João Morais (Portugal)

The fine balance between thrombosis and bleeding

Moderator: Ismail Elalamy (France)

Thrombophilia testing in daily practice: Who and when?

Francisco Araújo (Portugal)

Pregnancy and need for anticoagulation

Farjah AlGahtani (Saudi Arabia)

How the molecular diagnosis can help you?

Teresa Fidalgo (Portugal)

Reversal agents, new developments

Luciana Gonçalves (Portugal)

OR-29 Thrombophilia assessment during arterial thrombosis (10′)

Sarah Boughanmi (Tunisia)

Anticoagulation and bleeding in ECMO

Ana Rita Rodrigues (Portugal)

16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break, Exhibition & E-posters 
16:30 - 17:30 Practical session: How to do it

Moderator: Bianca Rocca (Italy)

Tips and tricks for the young investigator

Moderator: Alexandros Tselepis (Greece)

How long should we treat children with DVT?

Anabela Ferrão (Portugal)

The perspective of a basic-translational scientist

Gemma Vilahur (Spain)

Aspirin in the primary prevention setting

João Morais (Portugal)

The perspective of a clinical-laboratory approach

Teresa Fidalgo (Portugal)

17:30 - 18:30 Case Based Session I

Moderator: Sérgio Barroso (Portugal)

Case Based Session II

Moderator: Farjah AlGahtani (Saudi Arabia)

18.30 EMLTD General Assembly

Morning sessions



08:30 - 10:00 Oral presentations

Moderator: Luciana Gonçalves (Portugal)

Young Investigator Awards

Moderator: João Morais (Portugal) & Gemma Vilahur (Spain)

10:00 - 11:00 Main lecture “MICHEL SAMAMA”

Moderator: João Morais (Portugal)

Core Curriculum Session
Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism

Moderator: Andrea Rubboli (Italy)

Thrombosis in women: Gender differences

Alexandros Tselepis (Greece)

VTE and pregnancy

Matija Kozak (Slovenia)

Catheter-directed therapies for the treatment of pulmonary embolism 

Rita Calé (Portugal) 

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break, Exhibition & E-posters 
11:30 - 13:00 Systemic thrombosis, old and new players

Moderator: Lina Badimón (Spain)

New targets, new concepts, new objectives

Moderator: Ana Bronic (Croatia)

NETS and thromboinflammation

Teresa Padró (Spain)

Factor XI a new target for antithrombotic therapy

Vittorio Pengo (Italy)

Erythrocytes: New and old players in thrombosis

Antonio Moscardó (Spain)

Risk of thrombosis in pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease

Jorge Amil (Portugal)

OR-10 Study of the antiplatelet efficacy of red yeast rice and tomato juice extract in vitro (10′)

Despoina Pantazi (Greece)

Left atrial appendage closure for stroke prevention

Eduadro Oliveira (Portugal)

OR-24 Effect of long-term storage and freeze-thawing cycles on urinary thromboxane A2 metabolite and isoprostanes (10′)

Giovanna Petrucci (Italy)

OR-30 Gender-based disparities in clinical and procedural outcomes after rotational atherectomy (10′)

Mariana Carvalho (Portugal)

13:00 - 14:00  Lunch

Afternoon sessions



14:00 - 14:30 Meet the scientist

Moderator: Andrea Rubboli (Italy)

Let’s talk about TTP: An iberian collaboration for the diagnosis and follow-up of this rare disease

Moderator: Teresa Fidalgo (Portugal)

What I´m doing in my lab

Lina Badimon (Spain)

From initial suspicion to long-term follow-up? (10′)

José Pedro Carda (Portugal)

Diagnosis and clinical practice. The role of registries and the sharing of experience (20′)

María Eva Mingot (Spain)

14:30 - 16:00 Core Curriculum Session
Bleeding “the dark side of the moon”

Moderator: Matija Kozak (Slovenia)

Managing antithrombotic therapy in challenging scenarios II

Moderator: Carme Font (Spain)

Monotherapy after acute coronary syndromes. Less is more?

Andrea Rubboli (Italy)

Mechanical valve prosthesis and major bleeding

Cristina Gavina (Portugal)

Management of novel oral anticoagulants in emergency and trauma surgery: Peri-operative considerations and controversies

Ana Bronic (Croatia)

Transcatheter valve replacement in the very old population

Lluís Asmarats (Spain)

Bleeding Risk Assessment in end-stage kidney disease

Daniel Caldeira (Portugal)

Invasive procedures in patients with high bleeding risk

Fernando Sá (Portugal)

16.00 Closing session and awards